
Thursday, March 7, 2013


As I sit here inside my head, I can hear the hustle and bustle of a busy day dissipating. So much to do and so little time to do it in. 
  • Why do we bother doing half the things we think are necessary to live in this life? 
  • Do we really need to spend hours and hours at the gym? 
  • Or shopping at the mall. 

When I look into the faces of all the strangers that pass by, I wonder who they are & what is their purpose in this life.  

It's a question I find myself asking often
  • What is my purpose in this life? 
  • How much of it have I wasted away completing aimless tasks?  

It's easy to say "I'm a mom" or "wife", but does that define who I really am? After all, my children are now grown and I have been married for over 20 years.  
  • Now what
  • Should I go back to school? 
  • Start a new job?   

These are questions I have struggled 
with for a few years now. The only answer I could come up with is this....

Matthew 6:33 "...But seek first his kingdom and his

righteousness, and all these things will be given to you 

as well...."

Seeking after God and His Kingdom have become the only thing to satisfy my urges for more. He is my daily bread, my purpose in life. Many things have been settled for me in that, I know who I am and what I am here for

To love the 
  • Lord my God with all my heart,
  • all my mind, all my soul, 
  • all my strength and 
  • to love my neighbor as myself. 
This is my mission. Sometimes I fall miserably short and sometimes I hit the mark dead on! I don't labor over the small stuff anymore. 

I realize the bigger picture is what's important. Jesus has seen me through many struggles, from being abused as a child, being a teenage run-away, to surviving cancer, to being set free from addictions. We have all survived one thing or another, that's life. Jesus wants us to do more than just "survive". He wants us to have victory over these struggles. 

With victory, comes celebration. I am glad for how far I have come from the past, and I look forward to my future. I love everyday God allows me to continue to be on this earth, to love Him and all the beautiful people He has placed in my life. 

Do you know why you are here? 

I challenge you to look for Gods Kingdom

first and see what comes about. 

If you will give way to His Spirit

your life

 will never be the same

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