
Monday, March 25, 2013

3 steps to Release Drama & Enjoy a Drama-free Life!

Literally I have six sisters and I tell you each one is a genius! I am so blessed to have them in family and I learn from them continually.
pic credit

Recently I was struggling with some responses I have been getting from close relationships of mine. I have struggled my whole life with this horrible guilt over times people are upset with my actions or just plain don't like me. I know isn't it shocking when someone doesn't like you.

I have had it happen many times in my life, I think either people really like me or they view m
as some sort of people repellant..

So as my younger sister & I were chatting about a project I need her help on, we have some small talk about life and relationships when she busts this one out on me:
  • I can't fix____. 
  • I can only be responsible for me and my actions.
  •  _____ is responsible for what they are responsible for and 
  • I cannot change that .

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I don't now who that resonates with
but let me tell you that is 
I cannot tell you the countless times I have driven everyone NUTS when I "Go off" on my hubby who, bless his heart, 
has this tendency (ALL THE TIME)  
to over react

I just can't stand to see him acting so crazy so I make sure he knows how silly his actions are, and how his feeling are wrong.

Ok, I didn't say I was doing the right thing, I just haven't been able to figure out HOW TO STOP doing that!  

One day after I he and I were around 5 of our closest family members and friends for a 5 hour car trip-it was a glaring object lesson on "How not to handle stress" My wise "Master Yoda" father gave me great advice- He said, "Lisa, Release it." I heard him, I just didn't know how to do it.  

Great advice, release what?    HOW??

When Anna shared that little ditty above with me, 

  • I CANNOT fix my hubby with his over-reactions,  
  • All I am responsible is my reaction to his "Craziess"- 
  • He is responsible for himself, 
  • for his relationship with God
  • I cannot fix that
  • that is between him and God.

THAT is soooooooo freeing to me, & I have applied to soo many situations. This has helped me avoid drama in so many places that it ruled my life before.

How about you? have you made choices recently to avoid drama, how has that worked for you?  

1 comment:

  1. What powerful insight!! I used to be the epitome of
    co-dependent! I would try to fix everyone and every situation around me. I learned that my need wasn't so much to fix others, but that i didn't want to take a real look at what was broken in me! Criticism was very hard for me to accept, i felt like it was a direct hit to my personality. Like i wasn't good enough, so i had to point out or "fix" everyone else. I've learned a lot since those days. I don't mind not being perfect, and when everyone else isn't either, that's ok too!! It just proves all the more how we need grace and Christ that much more. Release is such a powerful thing and the freedom that comes with is worth it <3
