
Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Fortunately the publishers have created a PDF so potential buyers can get a sneak peak at this study, so if you have yet to purchase this chapter is available at the link above. 

This week the chapter is:


Wow, what a statement! Originally I purchased this study nearly 10 years ago in hopes of sharing this study with a group of ladies I went to church with. Truthfully I was in no shape or form to even attempt to read the first the chapter. (Funny how after all those years of holding on to this study, the moment is now...LET'S GROW TOGETHER!)

  • I was plagued with insecurities, 
  • I desperately wanted to conceive 
  • at that time I felt like I was doomed to watch from the sidelines as everyone around me was becoming mothers while I was in misery
  • I wasn't sure I wanted to be married anymore
I was starting a downward spiral that had nowhere near the results I longed for.

Pic Credit
I remember my best friend approaching me and loving saying,
 "I see walls all around you, you are not letting anyone in. I am scared and want to pray with you."

 She is an amazing friend who:
  • has been there in my darkest hours, when my hope of surviving a horrific medical accident was a grim 50% chance
  • She was there to celebrate the birth of my 2 children, after 7 longs years of hoping and praying.
  •  the joyous birthday parties,  
  • shopping trips
  • and just the mucking of horse stalls is a highlight of my day simply because I get a few precious moments around her!

 How awesome is it to have a friend like this?
  • More precious than any jewel
  • she is another sister to me, another sister to my sister, 
  • an aunt to my children and 
Even when she challenges me to grow in areas I REALLY don't want to I am grateful!

Before I purchased this study I didn't honestly think about looking in the bible for friendship "helps", yet when you look at Jesus' life you can't help but see a perfect model, all lined up for us to dig into.

In this chapter we will be looking at 

~What have noticed about Jesus in those chapters, His conduct, his friends, and His response to them?

My Best friend was right, I did have walls around me, and sadly they come up a time or two even now-a-days, I call them "THE STEP OFF VIBE" Ughh! I really dislike it when I revert to those ways, typically it is when I feel angry with something or out of my comfort zone.

~Do you ever get that way? Does it stop you from developing true intimate friendships?  

".... Take a few minutes on your own to put a check mark next to every item that you, too, find important in a close friendship and/or list some of your own.
  • A deep care and concern for me personally
  • A personality I enjoy
  • An active interest in, and support of, my projects and dreams
  • An instinct to come along- side and help when I am in need
  • An “instant availability” when true emergencies demand momentary inconvenience
  • A commitment to each other, while allowing the other person to enjoy the freedom of time alone, other friendships, and individual person-hood
  • A compassionate heart that cheers when I succeed and feels my pain when I fail
  • A tangible support through communication (often enough so I feel valued, but infrequent enough so I don’t feel strangled)
  • An ability to lovingly confront me with hard questions that hold me accountable for spiritual growth and personal integrity
  • An individual who can expect all of the above from me without making me feel the weight of obligation if I don’t measure up
I admit I’ve never yet found a person who perfectly demonstrates my entire list. However, it helps me evaluate whether I’ve been taking more from my friends than I’ve been giving back.
Intimate friendship demands 
a great investment, 
but the rewards are multiplied 
a hundred times over. "

(Pg. 19 Question #9)
Copied from SIX KEYS TO LASTING FRIENDSHIP by Carol Kent and Karen Lee-Thorp, copyright 2000 The Navigators –  All rights reserved.

Challenge for the week
Look around your life, see if there is a woman in your area of influence who is younger than yourself, or newer in the faith than you.  
  •  OR COMMIT TO "MENTOR" her for years. 
Just agree with GOD that you're available to be present for that woman:
  • To encourage her
  • To be WHATEVER God would like you to be FOR THIS SEASON
This SEASON might be:
  • a single contact with a stranger,   
  • a Friendship of a few weeks
  • IT MIGHT grow into a long-term friendship
YOU'RE NOT on the hook forever; just agree with GOD to be available and ASK GOD what is needed!

Don't worry if you are new to faith yourself, maybe you know someone in the same boat. You might not be able to offer "DEEP THOUGHTS BY JACK HANDY" (did I just show my age?? gulp, gulp!)  

JUST share your passion & what you are eager to know!     

 Pg 22. last question: Copied from SIX KEYS TO LASTING FRIENDSHIP by Carol Kent and Karen Lee-Thorp, copyright 2000 The Navigators –  All rights reserved

  • How did you grow this week? 
  • Did you see that you have shied away from intimacy so much you aren't the friend you would like to be? 
  • Or have you shied away so much you have yet to find that friend you have always wanted?

We would love to hear from you and what area of this study has impacted your view of friendship, please comment below! 

Info on the upcoming PRINCESS BALL

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