
Monday, March 18, 2013

God Will Even Cause Our Disappointments to Bless Us

I have been here so many times before, I have a vision of how something is supposed to run, it goes so smoothly in my mind....


I take a deep breathe and remember nothing happens that "messes" GOD's plans up,  

He will even cause our disappointments to bless us! 

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If we are unwilling to yield to this truth 
  • We might just get stuck in a mind set that causes us to miss out on that blessing that was destined for our benefit   

  • Even more heartbreaking in our hardened heart stage watch someone else pick up where we left off and continue on with GOD's plan.... 
I have been there so many times, 
  • I clearly hear His voice, 
  • knew what he wanted me to say 
  • and out of fear I clamped up and refused to say it because I was sick of appearing as the "the stick in the mud". 
Then hours later I watched an obedient child of God share what I was supposed to, NEARLY WORD FOR WORD! 

I had relinquished all rights to the blessings 
that were destined for me-  
when I allowed fear to take the place of Trust in a HOLY God who uses all things toward our benefit!!!

I have been reminded of this truth again recently
  • I was excited and ready for an important meeting with my boss to review a proposal I had drafted that would change my entire role with the company I have had for over 20 years
  • He injured his knee and had to reschedule all his appointments COMEPLETELY unbeknownst to me & I didn't find out until I GOT THERE!
  • I started to let fear take over in my mind and allow all kinds of scenarios take place thankfully I didn't allow them to fester and harden my heart. 
  • There was a miscommunication, my boss profusely apologized and we rescheduled.
When we finally sat down to our meeting the following week, I learned:
  • 2 firms contacted my boss and gave him nearly the same proposal 2 days later in THE SAME WEEK I had my original app scheduled.  
  • I know the common reaction is, " OH, great now I have competition!" 
  • Or "How can I compare with their glossy brochures filled with stats and figures and slick sales techniques?

You want to know something?  
I had no fear going into that meeting
I knew that no matter what the outcome  
God will even cause my disappointments to Bless me!  

I allowed my passion and excitement for the proposal to shine & once I heard he had 2 other proposals that very week I was supposed to, I just started to smile.  

Not out of fear, but knowing that these 2 companies,  
  • laid the ground work for me
  • showed him the worth of this position 
  • the possibilities it creates. 
  • I didn't even have to "sell" him on the need for this position, it was done for me!!

        IS that GOD OR what???

This is not concrete, I still have another meeting to discuss a plan of action and goals, yet it looks like this is going to happen & I know I am on the right path....

How many times have we allowed our mind to give 
fear and emotions rule our lives and 
drown out the path God has clearly lead?  

We allow the ravens in our lives to eat the breadcrumb trail 
because we give them power over the clear path set before us.

I was inspired to re-read the story of Paul, Barnabus, Silas, and John Mark Found in Acts 15:36-40-41. I urge you read this portion of scriptures, through this disappointment of Paul and Barbabus Not agreeing on the choice of John Marc as a fellow missionary, the gospel was shared in bigger way

God used this disappointment to not only further 
the gospel but bless the participants...

Where have you seen this happen in your life? Will you share what you can with us? 

Don't forget to save the date for our Princess Ball May 4th 

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