
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My Proverbial Grandma

                             My Proverbial Grandma

      As far as I am concerned my Grandmother is a Saint. Her name is Anna, and I'm pretty sure I fell in great love with her from the moment I met her. She is a strong Italian, with a great sense of humor, and very strong opinions. She is the most wonderful cook as well as a fabulous card player. Bingo is her favorite game to play and she loves to teach art classes in her own kitchen. She was there at my birth and has never left my side. I guess you could say, I'm a real Grandmas girl!

       I spent countless hours learning from her great truths about life and love.
Nothing could die or be sick around her. She had a cure for everything known to man! Including broken hearts and upset stomachs. Her wisdom seems endless. Growing up on her farm was never boring. I know how to can beans, shuck corn, blanch peas and make homemade pasta and sauce. I for sure could set a table and make a bed with my eyes closed! She can take the better part of a day to build you up and she always knows how to discipline you in love!!    The best part is, she has shown the true love of Christ to me.

Some of my favorite sayings include...

  • Be like Jesus and love them all
  • If you spit up towards heaven, it'll come down and hit you in the face
  • Your eyes are bigger than your stomach
  • Blood is thicker than water
  • What goes around, comes around
  • Do unto others as you would have done to yourself
  • Squeaky wheel always gets the oil

 Those are just a few of my favorites. I'm sure I could sight hundreds more. Not to mention the hundreds of hours spent on the telephone laughing and crying and planning and so on....She taught me how to be true to myself and love others through anything. When i think of my relationship with Christ, I know where it began..... in the arms of my Grandma.

God bless all the wonderful Grandmas who bring us love and cherish our very being! I love you Grandma!!!

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