
Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Thankfully I did get permission to share this study online, though ONLY limited parts unless we set up a password protected site. I believe that permission can be honored and at the same time share enough so all can grow from what is shared.

I can see this being a GREAT benefit to those who have purchased the book as well as those who are unable to. 

I have compiled a FAQ page, if you have any other questions please feel free to comment below!



Each Wednesdays we will start a new chapter and from the study guide I will be
  •  Sharing the scripture(s) of that chapter,
  • My personal reflection,
  •  2 key questions,
  • Challenge of the week


Great question, glad you asked!...What I would love to see happen with the participants is to share your personal experience with the study that week. It can be the various sections, doesn't have to be from the section I share, The areas of the study are broken down in these sections:
  • Learning From The Master
  • A Reflection
  • Talking With God
  • Time Along With God
  • Walking With Others
Be as transparent as you are comfortable being. The participants will comment in the "Comment" section in the lower part of the blog. Feel free to e-mail  Laura, myself, or Danielle anything you are uncomfortable sharing online.

3.)Are we going to meet at anytime?

Another great question! I would love to meet if anyone is interested, as the study progresses we can definitely take a pulse of the group and plan accordingly. Say like once a month at a designated place?? Let's see how it goes and take it from there :-)

4.) IS there a sample where I CAN "TRY" BEFORE I BUY?

NAVPRESS actually has a PDF of the first chapter you can ck out there is a link from the publisher you can purchase book directly from them, $8.99/book + Shipping. I also found it on Amazon for same price FREE SHIPPING if you are a prime member. So look around, you should find it!

These are great questions, if anyone has any others please feel free to comment below and I will do my best to help. 

I am super excited to grow in this area and share it with so many women who like me strive to be a friend like Jesus demonstrated throughout the New Testament!

5.) How is going to be set up?

I will posting on each Wed @ 10:00am from that point you can be as involved as you choose to be:
You can re-read and share your impression of the scriptures or any imput
6.) Do I have to be a certain Christian demnomination to attend?

Nope, only that you are open and  interested in growing Friendships with other Ladies according to the model Jesus laid out for us in the scriptures

Info On The Upcoming Princess Ball
"Women Like ME" 

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